Δευτέρα 22 Ιουλίου 2013

Supply Decision (1)

The Supply Decision  is a complex procedure which  involving many factors . The  implementation has as follow :

First stage is the implementation of  supply positioning ,the characterization of supply requirements in four categories as follows:


• Routine (non-critical) materials / services relate to the supply requirements of the organization with low purchase value and low impact the Company's results
• Leverage materials / services relate to the supply requirements of the organization with great market value and low influence on the results of the company. It is possible materials or services to a company belong to the category of non-critical material and another company belonging to the category of high profitability.
• Bottlenck materials / services relate to to the supply requirements which are characterized by low purchasing value but high influence on the results of the company.
•  Critical  materials / services relate to to the supply requirements with high purchasing value and  high impact the Company's results


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