Δευτέρα 22 Ιουλίου 2013


Supplier Perception Model (SupplierPerceptionModel) provider perception model is purchasing and supply management and supply positioning model in an important model for the relative. Supply positioning model is based on the purchaser's expense the size of procurement of products, IOR level of degree of subjective orientation, the process is the confidant, the supplier is from the perception model perspective suppliers by purchasers buy goods or a supply carried out to determine the business enthusiasm is the process of empathy Knowing your enemy. Supplier perceptual model is expressed in a matrix approach: the size of the horizontal axis value for the procurement, purchasing procurement value is accounted for vendor procurement side the percentage of total sales. More than 15% in 5% to 15% for high, 0.8% to 5% for low, less than 0.8% can be ignored. The vertical axis is the size of attraction, attraction refers to those non-monetary factors, including: strategic coherence between the convenience and financial stability, indirectly acquired the interests of the possibility of future business development, and so on. Accordingly also the procurement of suppliers put into four categories: edge categories: low purchasing value and low attractiveness (Marginal) exploit categories: high and low value purchases attractive (Exploit) development of categories: low purchasing value and highly attractive (Development ) **** categories: high value and highly attractive procurement (****) according to different categories, the supplier to take a different attitude towards the purchaser. From a sample to understand the idea of this model is a supplier of products produced by the fixed costs 7 yuan, variable cost 2 yuan, for the different parties have different purchase offer. Four quotes (8,10,15,25), respectively, to the perception of its suppliers in the different quadrants model, the conclusion is as follows: 8 reported to the development of quadrant: in order to future development and benefit in other ways, you can Here a small loss, because the procurement of low value does not affect performance. 10 per report to the **** quadrant: puerile, and procurement partnership with industry to maintain a reasonable profit (10%) reported to exploit 15 per quadrant: the absence of prospects for development, in order to get the premise of maximization of the transaction profits (more than 66%). 25 yuan reported to the edge of the quadrant: This offer is not to get high profits, because the purchasing value of the small enough to create results, but the refusal to deal as a euphemistic expression

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