Τετάρτη 14 Αυγούστου 2013




SUBJECT:     Purchase Requisition Preparation

GENERAL:    The purchase requisition is the document used to inform the purchasing officer that goods or services are desired for the HOME Program.  It is the basis for the preparation of a purchase order.

STEPS:          Contractor's HOME Staff

1.         Ensure that the item to be requisitioned is an eligible HOME expense.

2.         Obtain blank copies of requisition (see Exhibit 1).

3.         Indicate if the item is not available through a blanket purchase order.

4.         Complete the requisition form by entering the following data:

1.         Department
2.         Accounting number
3.         Date wanted
4.         Current date
5.         Requisition number
6.         Quantity
7.         Description
8.         Unit price (if known)
9.         Total price
10.       Purpose of the order
11.       Delivery point
12.       Approvals:  Contractor HOME Fiscal Coordinator
13.       Enter blanket purchase order number, if applicable.  See Purchasing Procedures 4 and 7A following.  Otherwise, purchase order number will be assigned by purchasing officer.

5.         Deliver the requisition form to the accounting department so that a purchase order can be prepared.


Any City, USA


DEPARTMENT              1                              DATE             4                          

ACCOUNT NO.             2                               REQ. NO.      5        
DATE WANTED            3                               PURCHASE ORDER NO.  13          









PURPOSE FOR THIS ORDER:               10

SHIP PREPAID TO:__________ ______11


The items listed above are a proper charge against the appropriation shown hereon and the services or materials are to be used exclusively for the purpose against which said items are charged.

                                                                                    Approved: _______________12
                                                                                                            Fiscal Coordinator

                                                                                                            ____________ 12


SUBJECT:     Review Requisition for Accuracy, Completeness and Availability of Funds

GENERAL:    The purchase requisition is to be reviewed by the purchasing officer for accuracy and completeness and by accounting for avail­ability of funds (see Exhibit 1).

STEPS:          Purchasing Officer

1.         Review the purchase requisition:

           Ensure that the requisition number (5) is unique.
           Double check the mathematics for accuracy.
           Verify that the signature(s) of approval (12) are authorized officials of the department (1).
           Verify that the items to be purchased (7) are covered by the blanket purchase order number (13), if applicable.  If the items are not available, assign a purchase order number.  For preparing a blanket purchase order, see Purchasing Procedure 4.
           Review that the other boxes of the form are complete.

2.         If the purchase requisition is not accurate or complete, return copies 2 and 3 to the responsible HOME staff.

3.         If the purchase requisition is accurate and complete, forward the third copy of the requisition to accounting.


4.         Check the approved HOME budget to verify that money is avail­able to pay for the purchase.

5.         For fixed asset purchase requests, review the capital outlay budget to determine if the item was included.

6.         Check outstanding purchase orders to verify that remaining budgeted monies are available for additional purchases.


SUBJECT:     Blanket Purchase Order

GENERAL:    Blanket purchase orders are used for the few merchants from whom many repetitive purchases are made, as supplies are required.  Rather than issue a purchase order for each purchase, one purchase order is issued for a month, quarter or year to cover purchases for that period.  The following steps describe how to prepare a blanket purchase order.

STEPS:          Purchasing Officer

1.         Determine by examining past purchasing records which items are needed in large enough numbers to be included in a blanket purchase order.

2.         Prepare a description of the types and estimated quantities of items needed over a specified time frame.

3.         Solicit bids from qualified local suppliers if there is more than one accessible supplier.

4.         Evaluate bids for price and conformance to quality standards set forth in the invitation to bid.

5.         Select the most advantageous qualified bid considering both price and conformance.

6.         Place the order with the selected vendor by issuing a pre-numbered purchase order.  In the description section, write:

"Term order, furnish items as requested by (governmental unit) employees when above purchase order number is referenced.  Issue monthly statements supported by signed counter tickets.  This order expires on                   , 20   ."

7.         Determine those employees in each department who will be authorized to make purchases under the blanket purchase order.

8.         Inform authorized employees of the types of items covered by blanket purchase orders, vendor's name, purchase order number, and expiration date.  Each authorized employee should obtain approval from the purchasing agent before making a purchase under the blanket purchase order.

9.            Close the blanket purchase orders by writing "complete" in the copies maintained in accounting and informing affected employees.


SUBJECT:     Informal Price Quotations

GENERAL:    For purchase of items that, in aggregate, cost less than $250, formal bid solicitation procedures are unnecessary.  In such cases, the purchasing officer should obtain informal price quotations by telephone or face‑to‑face inquiry.  Price quotations should be obtained from different vendors, if possible.

STEPS:          Purchasing Officer

1.         Upon receipt of purchase requisition from the HOME staff, the purchasing officer identifies vendors.

2.         Telephone calls or personal inquiries are made to identified vendors.

3.         The Informal Price Quotation Form shown in Exhibit 2 should be completed for each price quotation entering the following information.  (Note:  The form may be used to obtain multiple item quotations from the same vendors.)

1.         Requisition Number
2.         Purchase Order Number (after issuance)
3.         Department
4.         Date
5.         Item Descriptions
6.         Units of Measure
7.         Price Quotations
8.         Vendors' Names and Addresses
9.         Vendor Contact Person
10.       Discount Terms
11.       Delivery Date
12.       FOB Point

4.         Issue purchase order to the most advantageous and qualified vendor.


                                                 INFORMAL PRICE QUOTATION FORM

Requisition No:                               1                                                                             Date:           4      
Purchase Order No:          2      
Department:                       3      

                                     Unit of                                               
Item Description          Measure         Quotation 1   Quotation 2  Quotation 3

1.    5









Check box to the right of quotation if quotation is lowest responsible bidder.

Complete information below for successful bidders.

                                                Bidder 1              Bidder 2             Bidder 3
Vendor Name

Vendor Address

Vendor Contact


Delivery Date

F.O.B. Point


SUBJECT:     Bid Solicitation and Selection of Vendor

GENERAL:    For purchases of items that in aggregate are greater than $100,000, bid solicitation is required.  This dollar amount will vary by Contractor but minimum HOME standards must be met as contain­ed in 24 CFR 86 and OMB Circular A-110.  At least three competitive sealed bids should be obtained before contracting to purchase.  Formal advertisements should be used.  Emergency purchases are exempted from this requirement.

STEPS:          Purchasing Officer

1.         Recognize the need to obtain bids as dictated by statute and/or good business practice.

2.         Determine if formal advertising is desirable or required.  If so, place advertisement in appropriate newspapers.  Be sure to include the advertisement in minority-outreaching newspapers.  (Exhibit 3 is a sample of an Invitation to Bid.)  Formal specifications should be prepared and made available to bidders.

3.         Complete a Request for Quotation (see Exhibit 4), filling in the following information:

1.         Request for Quotation Number
2.         Date   
3.         Date Quote Desired By
4.         Requisition Number
5.         Requisition Date
6.         Chargeable Account Number
7.         Three Vendor Names
8.         Item Desired
9.         Quantity
10.       Description
11.       Unit Price
12.       Amount
13.       Signature of Purchasing Officer

This form should be submitted to at least three selected vendors whether formal advertising (as in Step 2 above) has occurred or not.

4.         Distribute copies to vendors.

5.         File unopened sealed bids received together with original copy of Request for Quotation or Invitation to Bid.

6.         On the designated date, remove the bids received from file.

7.         If all vendors have not responded, call non-responding vendors and obtain telephone bids to be confirmed in writing.  If one or more vendors decline to bid, then solicit bids from other vendors so as to obtain at least three bids, if possible.

8.         When sufficient bids have been received from accessible dealers, open the bids and determine which vendor offers the item at the lowest price.  Select the lowest and best bidder.  Enter the reasons the vendor was selected on the original copy of the Request for Quotations (boxes 14 and 15, Exhibit 4).

9.         Issue a purchase order to the successful bidder, with all spaces completed.


                                                             INVITATION TO BID

Sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Purchasing Officer, Board of Purchase, City Hall, Any City, up to 1:30 p.m., Thursday, December 26, 2000, at which time they will be opened for the following:

Specifications are available and on file at the office of the City Purchas­ing Officer, City Hall, Any City.

Bids must be on bid forms to be considered.

The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive formal­ities.

C. W. Stallings
Purchasing and Central Services Administrator

Please insert the above ad in the Morning News on the following dates:

January 3, 4, 5, 6, 2001

Charge to:


Publisher's affidavit requested.



                                                REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS
                                                Number         Date    
                                                   1              2     
                                                The Above Number Must  
                                                 Appear on All Quotations
                                                & Related Correspondence
                                                   THIS IS NOT AN ORDER 
Quote Not Later  Requisition No.Date of RequisitionChargeable Account #
Than  3              4                   5                 6         
                7                 8                      9            
Delivery Requirements     Delivery Promised     Terms        F.O.B.    
  8     9                  10                        11        12   
                              Purchasing Officer         13              
Reason Order Placed with Successful Vendor  14    Other Reasons     15 
Lowest Price Quality Dest. Del'y Service                               
Only Source                                                            
Best Design                                                            


SUBJECT:     Purchase Order Preparation and Distribution

GENERAL:    The purchase order is used to initiate and control purchases.  It should thus be completed and approved prior to making a purchase so that effective managerial control can be continually maintained.  A purchase order (see Exhibit 5) shall be prepared by the purchasing officer based on informed price quotations for items less than $100,000 (Purchasing Procedure 5) or bid solicitations for items greater than $100,000.  Refer to Purchasing Procedure 7A for individual procedures against blanket purchase orders.  The purchasing officer will oversee bid solicitation and sign purchase orders.

STEPS:          Purchasing Officer

1.         Receive requisition from HOME staff.
2.         Evaluate the need for item(s).
3.         Receive verification from finance that funds are available to cover the purchase.
4.         Obtain bids if required (see Purchasing Procedure 6).
5.         Complete the purchase order (see Exhibit 5) as follows:

           Enter the selected vendor's name and address.
           Enter the date of the purchase order.
           Enter the requisition number which corresponds to the purchase order.
           Enter the desired date of delivery.
           Enter the purchase order number.
           Record the quantity of the items ordered.
           Enter the description of the items ordered.
           Record the unit price.
           Record the amount of the order.
           Enter the delivery address.
           Enter F.O.B. terms.
           Enter the terms of the purchase order.
           Affix the signature of the purchasing officer.

6.         Distribute the purchase order as follows:

•.          Original to vendor
           Copy retain in purchasing files
           Copy to finance
           Copy to CD department
           Voucher Copy to vendor


                                                                        PURCHASE ORDER

Bills are approved at City                    VENDOR ORIGINAL ADDRESS VOUCHER:
Council meetings on 2nd                       ANY CITY    ATTN: Purchasing Officer
and 4th Monday of each                                                                     Any City
month and must be rendered
no later than the Monday
preceding the meeting.


TO:                  1                      DATE         2               REQUISITION ORDER NO.     3   
WANTED   4               PURCHASE ORDER NO.        5   
Please furnish the following to Any City:






                                           A.         Do not ship Railway Express.
B.         Please make deliveries between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
SHIP TO:                   10                                 C.        Enclose shipping memo with
                                                            each delivery.
                                                D.        Do not make "COLLECT"
I M P O R T A N T                                                                              shipments. Prepay cartage and include on bill.
                                                                                                E.         All goods received with NO PURCHASES ARE VALID UNLESS COVERED                          subsequent privilege to                                 BY THIS FORM SIGNED BY THE PURCHASING                                inspect and return at
OFFICER.  SUBMIT INVOICE ON                                                   vendor's expense if
ACCOMPANYING VOUCHER FORM, WHICH MUST                  defective or not in
BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO.  ADDRESS ALL                            compliance without. CORRESPONDENCE TO PURCHASING OFFICER.                specifications
F.         Purchase order number must appear on all invoices and packages.
G.        Make a separate invoice for each purchase order and enclose with our invoice voucher.
H.        The attached invoice voucher
must be signed and returned
before payment is made.
SIGNED                 13           
Purchasing Officer                                                  F.O.B           11         

TERMS          12          


SUBJECT:     Individual Purchases Against Blanket Purchase Orders

GENERAL:    Blanket purchase orders are placed with suppliers of repetitively purchased items.  The purchasing officer should provide a list of vendors and items to be purchased from those vendors with a valid purchase order number.  When requisitioning items against these purchase orders, cite the purchase order number on the requisitions.

An alternate procedure is provided below under which the Contractor's HOME staff may be given authority to issue purchase orders directly against blanket purchase orders.  This approach reduces paperwork by eliminating the requisition step but reduces central control.

STEPS:          Purchasing Officer

1.         Receive requisition for purchase of items on blanket purchase order from HOME staff.
2.         Prepare individual purchase order that conforms to terms of blanket purchase order.
3.         Issue individual purchase order to vendor.
4.         Maintain file on each blanket purchase order.
5.         Inform HOME staff of all blanket purchase orders.
6.         File all individual purchase orders and delivery tickets related to blanket purchase order.
7.         Check invoices against all delivery tickets received against blanket purchase order.

Alternate Steps

1.         Identify items to be purchased under blanket purchase orders.
2.         Prepare purchase order and forward to vendor with copies to purchasing officer and finance as follows:

           Original to vendor
           Copy to purchasing
           Copy to finance
           Receiving Copy retained by HOME staff
           Voucher Copy to vendor

3.         Forward delivery tickets, invoices, etc., to accounting.


SUBJECT:     Receiving

GENERAL:    The purchasing officer will advise you of the delivery of goods.  The receiving copy of the purchase order, the delivery ticket, or some other written verification should be sent to the HOME staff.

STEPS:          HOME staff

1.         Pull your department copy (receiving copy) of the purchase order when goods arrive.

2.         Check the goods for condition and quantity.

3.         Compare the goods to the receiving department copy of the purchase order.

4.         If there are any problems with the shipment, contact the purchasing agent, who will resolve them with the vendor.

5.         After examining the goods, sign and date the receiving report in boxes 1 and 2 (Exhibit 6).  The rest of the receiving copy will be complete (see Exhibit 5) if the equipment completes the purchase order.

6.         If there is no receiving report copy of the purchase order, no copy of the delivery ticket, or if the delivery does not complete the order, prepare receiving report which includes the following information:

           Name of person or company making the shipment (not the carrier).
           Location at which order was received.
           Purchase order number.
           Indicate if the receipt is for a partial shipment on a purchase order.
           Any pertinent information which you wish to include.
           Signature of person accepting shipment.
           Date received.


Bills are approved at City Council
meetings on 2nd and 4th Monday of
each month and must be rendered
no later than the Monday preceding
the meeting.

                                                             RECEIVING COPY


TO:                              DATE         1      REQUISITION ORDER NO.     3   
WANTED   2      PURCHASE ORDER NO.        4   
APPROPR                   5                   

Please furnish the following to Any City.
╒═════════════════╤════════════════════════╤═══════════╤════════│QUANTITY ORDER      DESCRIPTION          │UNIT PRICE │AMOUNT  ├─────────────────┼────────────────────────┼───────────┼────────                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ─────────────────┴────────────────────────┴───────────┴────────┘
PURPOSE:   _____________________________________________________

RECEIVED BY:________________________  DATE: __________________                  
Purchasing Officer

SHIP TO:       _______________

SIGNED ____________________________
Purchasing Officer


SUBJECT:     Processing Invoices for Payment

GENERAL:    This procedure describes the process through which the individual documents verifying purchases and receipt of goods are brought together to assure valid payment.  Appropriate files are also identified.

STEPS:          HOME staff

1.         Receive the purchase order copy from the purchasing depart­ment.  Check to see that dollar limitations for purchases have not been exceeded and that appropriate approvals are included.  File by vendor in the open purchase order file.

2.         Obtain the receiving report (packing slip, delivery ticket, or signed purchase order copy) and compare quantities received with quantities ordered in purchase order.  Attach to purchase requisition and purchase order copy.

3.         Receive the vendor's invoice; and check extensions, price and quantity against purchase order and receiving report.  Then attach to purchase requisition, purchase order copy and related receiving report.

4.         Check against the HOME budget to ensure that funds are still available.

5.         Verify that the expenditure was received by the program monitor(s).

6.         File the purchase order copy, purchase requisition, receiving report and invoice by due date in the unpaid invoice file.

7.         After obtaining approvals, re-file the receiving report with the corresponding invoice and support in the unpaid invoice file.

8.         Prepare checks indicating on the check stub the account number and description of purchase.

9.         Forward checks to appropriate officials for signing.


SUBJECT:     Construction Contracts

GENERAL:    Federal and State regulations require compliance with many provi­sions when hiring a construction contractor.  The following steps present a suggested approach to assist you in meeting these requirements.

1.    Secure applicable Federal wage decision from the State HOME Program and the applicable State wage rate decisions, if applicable, from the Department of Industrial Relations.

           Complete HUD Form 1420 and DOL Form 308.
           Submit the above completed forms to/at least 45 days before bid advertisements.
           Review wage decision from the State HOME Program to deter­mine if any additional classifications are necessary.
           Contact the State HOME Program 10 days before bid solicitation opening to verify that the wage decision has not been changed.  If changes have been made, you must include such changes in the bid documents.

2.         Prepare HOME bid terms and conditions and contractor certifi­cations to be included in all bid documents and construction contracts. 

3.         Include a contractor compliance certificate with Davis‑Bacon and State certification of any relevant training or appren­ticeship programs.

4.         Consult Chapter IX for equal opportunity requirements.

5.         Prepare Specifications.  A city employee or outside architect or engineer will typically prepare the technical bid specifi­cations.  These specifications should provide complete and accurate descriptions of the specifications for materials, products and services to be provided or performed.

6.         Prepare a written cost estimate of the proposed work, utilizing the bid specifications.  This estimate can be done by either qualified in-house staff or outside consultants.  It should serve as a basis for evaluating bids received and negotiating cost reductions.

7.         Review of bid documents by your attorney which include the following:

           Technical specifications
           City and State requirements
           HOME‑related requirements
           Supplemental general conditions
           Cost and pricing information
           Method of payment
           Advertisement for Bid
           Bidder's information which delineates the method of bidding, bid evaluation, the basis of contract award
           Equal opportunity, Section 3 and labor standards require­ments
           Contract form
           Bid bond form
           Performance bond form
           Payment bond form
           Contractor, Davis‑Bacon and Equal Employment Opportunity Certification forms

8.         Advertise.  All construction bids must be solicited by public advertising.  It is suggested that you publish your advertisements once a week for three weeks prior to bid opening in a newspaper of general circulation.  Be sure to include the advertisement in minority-circulated newspapers.  You may want to consider a longer advertising period for more complex projects to allow bidders more time to prepare their proposals.  You should retain a copy of each advertisement on file.

9.         Amendments to the bid documents, if any, must be sent to all bidders who were sent or obtained bid documents.  Amendments cannot be issued within 72 hours of bid opening, or as prescribed by State law.  If an amendment is required within 72 hours of bid opening, you may extend the bid opening date exactly one week.

10.       Maintain bidders' log.  You should maintain a log of bidders who were sent or obtained bid documents.  All bids received during the bidding period should be logged with the name of bidder, and the time and date of receipt.  You should secure the sealed bids in a safe place.  No bid should be accepted if it is late.

11.       Conduct a public bid opening.  You should hold a public meet­ing to open bids.  All bids should be read aloud during this meeting.  Minutes of the meeting should be maintained which documents the following:

           Time and date of the bid opening
           Bidders and bid amount in order of opening

12.       Review Bids.  You should review all bids to determine if they are legally and technically responsive.  Bidders must be evaluated as to their capacity to perform.  You should consider the experience, past record of performance and capacity of the firm to perform within the stated time period as well as cost in making your decision.  You have thirty (30) days from the date of bid opening to award the contract or reject all bids.

13.       Verify contractor eligibility.  In all cases, the Contractor must verify that the successful bidder and all construction contractors and subcontractors are not on the Federal list of ineligible contractors and that they possess a license that is current, active, and in good standing.  See the Labor Standards chapter and the appropriate forms to use.

14.         Verify that environmental clearance has been granted or is not applicable.

15.       Award contract.  The contract must be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder.  If the contract is awarded to another bidder, a written statement documenting the reasons why the low bidder(s) was (were) not selected must be prepared.  You should ensure that all compliance provisions and environmental clearances have been met before awarding the contract.

16.       Send Notice of Contract Award to State HOME Program.  Within 10 days of the contract award, you should send a Notice of Contract Award to your State HOME Program.  This notice must include the following:

           Name of project
           Project location or address
           Name, address and telephone number of contractor
           Date of contract award
           Contract amount
           Estimated starting and completion dates
           The number of the wage rate decision
           The date and location of the pre-construction conference

17.       Conduct a pre-construction conference.  A pre-construction conference must be held by the Contractor to acquaint your construction contractor with Federal requirements such as EEO, Davis‑Bacon and labor standards.  You should also brief the construction contractor on how payments will be processed, what forms are to be used, how the Contractor HOME staff will monitor financial, program and contract compliance and the like.  See Labor Standards chapter in this Manual.

18.       Send a Notice to Proceed to your construction contractor.  You should formally forward a Notice to Proceed to officially notify your contractor to start construction.

19.       Send Notice of Start of Construction to the State HOME Program.  This notice must specify the following:

           Project name
           Project address or location
           Name of contractor
           Date of award of contract
           Date of construction start-up
           Date of construction completion
           Name of designated official responsible for compliance with labor standards and EEO provisions

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